Elder Law
- Disability Planning
- Estate Administration
- Estate Planning
- Financial/Property Guardianship Administration
- Long-Term Care Issues
- Medical/Personal Care Guardianship Application
Brisebois Law Professional Corporation recognizes the needs of elderly individuals and their families and we understand the legal, health and social issues that can seem overwhelming. We understand the special ethical issues that may arise in the course of the representation. We take the time to understand our clients’ circumstances and advise our clients of their rights in order to assist them in reaching informed decisions.
Many individuals arrange their estate in order to protect their assets in the event of early death, however, this does not always anticipate for the possibility of disability and long-term care. Our experienced team provides legal counseling to safeguard older persons against adverse circumstances and to ensure the possibility of living life to the highest quality available.
We provide professional and cost-effective assistance with incapacity planning which includes the drafting of Power of Attorneys and advising on related issues.